Leaving Home (Alone) : Remember: Be Decorative and Appear Pleasing 1. Modest makeup on properly.2. Hair is combed without a strand out of place.3. Modestly-styled clothing that matches shoes without any creases or makeup stains.4. Check with husband to get his OK for your presentation (if not, go change). _____________ In Public (Alone) 5. Turn cell phone or smart phone to silent. Never answer any calls except the ones from your husband. A lady is meant to be seen, not heard. Chattering on the phone makes one appear to be chit-chatting. When husband calls, answer and speak quietly and privately.6. Smile to everyone, look them in the eyes and smile when you say "Thank You" "I Beg Your Pardon" "I'm so sorry."7. Walk upright, shoulders down, posture straight, neck stretched up.8. Use full versions of addressing everyone with courtesy (Ma'am, Miss, Sir (to older men), Mister (to younger men).9. Downcast eyes, don't look at other men. 10. Never use coarse language.11. Speak softly and not unnecessarily to male strangers.12. If you have an occasion to be helpless, use it and welcome the gesture when men try to help you. Just don't get too friendly. _____________ In Public (With husband) : Remember: Be Decorative and Appear Pleasing 6H. Smile to your husband, look him in the eyes and smile when you say "Thank You" "I Beg Your Pardon" "I'm so sorry."7H. Walk upright, shoulders down, posture straight, neck stretched up.8H. Yes Honey, Yes Darling, and Yes Dear" (to husband). Use full versions of addressing everyone with courtesy (Ma'am, Miss, Sir (to older men), Mister (to younger men).9H. Downcast eyes, don't look at other men. 10H. Never use coarse language.11H. If you are asked a question by a male stranger, look at your husband with an inquisitive look as to how you should answer, or better yet, let him answer the stranger. Never answer on your own.12H. If you have an occasion to be helpless, use it and welcome the gesture when your husband tries to help you. Never say "it's okay, I can handle it." ALWAYS accept and say graciously "thank you, I'm so glad you are here to take care of this.13H. If your husband reprimands you in public, never talk back and protest. Even if you are right, accept it with a smile, cringe sheepishly and whisper "Oh you are right, how can I be so stupid! I'm sorry dear.14H. If you meet friends in public and they suggest doing something, always look to your husband for the decision. If he says no, just thank them, apologize graciously and decline the invitation.